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What can you expect - as a start-up business – from AberInnovation?

Rhagfyr 19, 2023

This blog explores how AberInnovation offers startup companies a springboard to innovating and growing. As a leading science and research hub located in Aberystwyth, Wales, we can be the catalyst of innovation and success, providing startups access to state-of-the-art laboratories, world-class research expertise, and collaborative opportunities.

Entrepreneurs can expect support in developing and scaling their innovative ideas, access to funding and investment networks, and a supportive community of like-minded innovators.

Our emphasis on sustainability and agri-tech innovation makes us particularly attractive for startups in the fields of biotechnology, agriculture, food tech and environmental sciences, offering a unique base from which companies can thrive and make a positive impact on global challenges.

-Is startup funding support available at AberInnovation?

Through established funding partnerships and grants, for example through BBSRC, Innovate UK and Welsh Government Innovation, AberInnovation offers regular funding programmes to help startups take concepts through to product development, testing and the viability phases, as well as providing links to market.

Once in possession of funding, grant recipients can use AberInnovation as both a business base and a research site as well as have access to technical support, business mentorship and academic links.

-What expertise can startups expect at AberInnovation?

The resources and assistance offered at Aberinnovation are enablers to both product development and business expansion. This is championed by a cohesive community of top-tier professionals and exceptional companies who unite under a shared goal and operating from one location.

Headed up by Dr Rhian Hayward MBE, CEO of AberInnovation, all businesses based at AberInnovation have access to a support team who have the following skills portfolio:

  • Biorefining and food technologists
  • Technical leads overseeing the smooth running of projects in the facilities
  • Industrial engagement experts to liaise with businesses
  • Lab technicians to support projects, use of equipment and reporting
  • Operations, marketing and finance support team members

-What key facilities are available to support startup research?

The primary testing facilities for both startups and established business tenants at AberInnovation are unrivalled in the UK.

The key assets of the Biorefining Centre include:

  • Primary processing
  • Downstream processing
  • Industrial biotechnology acceleration suite
  • Pilot fermentation unit
  • Low carbon laboratory
  • BRC certified food grade facility
  • Biolical prospecting suite
  • Clean room and product finishing

Blog: The business of biorefining

The Future Food Centre offers an environment to test, validate and improve products in the food supply chain using the following testing facilities:

  • Liquid and commodities processing
  • Fermentation
  • Butchery
  • Retail display and shelf life capabilities
  • Composition and nutrition
  • Food quality testing
  • Sensory analysis

Blog: Meet our food technologist

The Advanced Analysis Centre supports a wide range of analytical needs and interacts with Aberystwyth University for food intervention studies.

The centre’s capabilities include Qualitative and quantitative analysis of:

  • Lipids, free fatty acids and short-chain fatty acids
  • Proteins and free amino acids
  • Sugars and starch
  • Pigments
  • Vitamins
  • Sterols and steroids
  • Dietary biomarkers
  • Volatiles
  • Nitrate and nitrates

Non-targeted screening and phenotyping using:

  • Metabolomic
  • Lipidomics

Samples can include:

  • Raw and processed foods
  • Plant materials
  • Fermentation products
  • Nutraceuticals
  • Cosmetics
  • Biofluids
  • Clinical samples

Seed Biobank

The Seed Biobank and crop seed processing facility offer a controlled environment facility for the secure storage and cataloguing of plant genetic resources. These facilities support IBERS' world-renowned plant breeding programmes, enabling the development of new plant varieties and maintenance of many commercial plant varieties.

The AberInnovation Innovation Hub is a social space for meetings, events and collaborative working, to allow owners of fledgling businesses the chance to network with each other as well as organisations from the business and research sector.

-What are the key features of the AberInnovation campus?

In addition to a wide range of networking and team working space, the site offers onsite parking, EV charging, super-fast broadband as well as showers and lockers.

Technical features include benefits for researchers such as cold rooms, hazardous waste disposal and private lab hire.

-Success stories

Visit our case studies page to learn more about the startups in agri tech, food tech and environmental sciences whose research and business journeys began at AberInnovation.

If you would like more information about our team, services and funding opportunities, contact us.