
Cyfleusterau ac arbenigedd datblygu integredig o'r radd flaenaf i gyflymu arloesedd yn bwyd a diod, yr economi gylchol a technoleg-amaeth. 

001 WP 00782 480 300 90 s c1
General campus imagerysignage 2
20220128 1210
Advanced Analysis Centre 5
General campus imagerysignage 3


AIEC ICON Analytical

Uwch Ganolfan Ddadansoddi

AIEC ICON Seed Biobank

Biofanc Hadau a Chyfleuster Prosesu

AIEC ICON Innovation

Parth Arloesi

AIEC ICON Future Food

Canolfan Bwyd y Dyfodol

AIEC ICON Bio refining

Canolfan Bioburo

“Being part of AberInnovation offers a unique opportunity for networking with organisations from the business and research sector. When you join AberInnovation, you are not just gaining access to physical facilities, you become member of a network through which you can access workshops, events, funding opportunities, and more.”



“Being part of AberInnovation offers a unique opportunity for networking with organisations from the business and research sector. When you join AberInnovation, you are not just gaining access to physical facilities, you become member of a network through which you can access workshops, events, funding opportunities, and more.”



“Being part of AberInnovation offers a unique opportunity for networking with organisations from the business and research sector. When you join AberInnovation, you are not just gaining access to physical facilities, you become member of a network through which you can access workshops, events, funding opportunities, and more.”

