The Bioeconomy is Growing. Its Technological Heart is Biorefining.
Join us on Wednesday April 14th for an interactive webinar with our BEACON biorefining experts Dr Judith Thornton and Dr Joe Gallagher. BEACON offers biorefining research and development expertise to support innovative bio-based businesses.
For 10 years our university-based team of specialists have been assisting companies with great ideas to collaborate, enabling them to develop and get their products and services closer to market.
Our collaborators and experts share a common goal: working towards net-zero carbon emissions and a zero-waste economy for future generations.
Respecting environmental limits will mean that in the proposed net-zero society of 2050, we’ll be making minimal use of fossil fuels for transport, heating and a multitude of products, so what will we be using instead?
How will we get there, and where does your business fit in?