AberInnovation Privacy Policy

AberInnovation Privacy Policy

This privacy policysets out how Aberystwyth Innovation and Enterprise Campus Limited (“AberInnovation”) uses and protects any information that you give the Company when you use this website.


Cookies are small data files placed on your computer or mobile device by the websites that you visit. Cookies help us to deliver a high quality website and online experience for our users, and some collect information about our users’ browsing behaviour. For example, we use Google Analytics cookies to track our users’ behaviour and journeys on our website, which in turn informs our decisions with regards to site layout and content. The information we collect (also visible to our website hosts UserFusion*) includes users’ IP address, pages visited, browser and operating system. The data will not be used to identify any user personally.

*Our website is hosted by UserFusion, so by sharing your data on this website, you are consenting for that information to also be visible to UserFusion.

Most web browsers allow you to control how cookies are stored on your computer. To find out more, please visit allaboutcookies.org.

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We monitor user activity to inform our decisions with regards to the website layout and content. This website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google Inc. Google Analytics uses cookies and JavaScript code to analyse user activity on websites. This information is transmitted to and stored on Google’s servers in the United States.

Google uses this information to provide user activity reports for this website. These reports give us valuable information about our website, such as which content is popular, and about our users’ journeys on the site. Google reserves the right to give this information to third parties where required to do so by law, or where such third parties process the data on Google’s behalf.

Google will not associate your IP address with any other data previously held. You can disable the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings in your browser, however this may result in websites not functioning as intended. Be using this website, you consent to the processing of data about you by Google in the manner and for the purposes set out above.

Read Google’s Privacy Policy and Terms of Service for more information.


We use Hubspot to manage our mailing list and email campaigns. Hubspot are certified to the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework and the Swiss-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework and we have signed their recently updated data processing agreement (DPA).

All of our emails will carry a link where recipients can unsubscribe from our mailing list.


We retain data obtained through this website only for so long as is necessary in order to provide services to customers, engage in marketing activities in accordance with this Privacy Policy and other legitimate purposes of the business.


When you join the AberInnovation mailing list:

The details you provide will be held on Hubspot's database. We will use this information to send you invites to event and news about AberInnovation.

If you opt in, from time to time you may receive event invitations and news that we think will be of interest to you. You can choose to 'Unsubscribe' at any time by following the 'Unsubscribe' link on any of our correspondence.

Except where required by law or in order to process your correspondence, we will not pass on your details to third parties without your consent. We respect your data and we take data protection very seriously.

We would like to remind you that you have a right to see any personal information we hold about you, as well as the right to correct any inaccuracies in it. Furthermore, you can request that data we hold on you be deleted at any time.

By signing up to the AberInnovation mailing list or using the AberInnovation website, you consent to us holding and using your personal information in accordance with this notice.