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Mid Wales Challenge Led Launchpad - Innovation Funding

Mid Wales Challenge Led Launchpad Round 3 - Open

What is the Mid Wales Challenge Led Launchpad Series?

The Mid Wales Challenge Led Launchpad is a programme funded by the UK Government, driven by Levelling Up, aimed at developing novel solutions to public sector and societal issues through research and innovation whilst offering new market opportunities for businesses and people in Mid Wales. Projects are 100% funded to participate in R&D, focused on specific identified needs and are open to all organisations that can demonstrate a route to market for their solution.

Who is involved?

The programme is delivered by AberInnovation and Innovation Strategy and supported by the following partnerships:

  • Ceredigion County Council
  • Hywel Dda University Health Board
  • Mid Wales Regional Skills Partnership
  • BT

Round 3: AgriFood Challenge


Challenge Led Launchpad Series will involve stakeholders from public, private, and academic sectors identifying and selecting the most pressing, regional societal issues requiring solutions and working together to support businesses in the development of solutions to the identified problem. To achieve this we have created the Mid Wales Challenge Led Launchpad Series, a structured programme to build new solutions to solve the greatest challenges affecting Mid Wales.


Throughout challenges businesses will receive one to one mentoring and networking opportunities and they will take part in thematic workshops and masterclasses supporting them in the development of innovative solutions. Businesses will benefit from the expertise from programme partners, AberInnovation, Innovation Strategy and British Telecom and will receive opportunities to utilise unique facilities and technology during their projects. Public Sector partners will guide businesses in the development of solutions to ensure new solutions are fit for purpose and meet policy objectives throughout the region. The mentoring and support provided within the Challenge Led Launchpad Series is fully funded and accessible to all participating businesses.


The Challenge Led Launchpad will also support individuals in the development of skills and knowledge throughout Mid Wales communities through an innovative work placement and match making scheme. Individuals will be offered opportunities to work alongside successful businesses undertaking projects at Technical Readiness Levels 3 to 4 to gain new skills and knowledge throughout the project - an application form for this can be found at the end of this webpage. 

The Opportunity

Round 3: AgriFood Challenge 

This challenge is a single-phase challenge intended to show the feasibility of the proposed concept. The challenge provides a package of support valued at £5,000 which includes £3,200 R&D funding for proof-of-concept work, 6 months free virtual membership at AberInnovation and Innovation Strategy’s Toolkit and mentorship.

Projects will be selected by an open competition process and organisations will retain the intellectual property generated from the project. Successful projects must start on the 2nd September 2024 and conclude 29th November 2024.

The aim of this round of the Mid Wales Challenge Led Launchpad is to identify innovative solutions to improve agricultural and food-production developments, aligning with the UK Government’s agri-food Launchpad in Mid and North Wales, announced in the Spring 2024 Budget.

This challenge offers opportunities for businesses to address regional needs by fostering sustainable practices, enhancing local food systems, and stimulating economic growth through collaborative innovation among entrepreneurs, businesses, and researchers, leading to the development of an innovation ecosystem which can support growth and economic benefits to the Mid Wales region. Innovation and technology change plays a key role in productivity gains and businesses will need to demonstrate how their innovative solution supports tangible business growth.

Businesses will need to address one of the sub-themes highlighted below, further theme details are included in the competition documentation. Each of the sub-themes aims to address a different aspect of agri-food technology and innovation.

There are six sub-themes within the challenge:

  • Farm to Fork
  • Value from By-Products
  • Nutrients & Diet Evaluation
  • Novel Ingredients
  • Alternative Proteins
  • Functional Foods

The ‘farm to fork’ theme aims to streamline the food supply chain, reduce waste, and promote sustainable farming practices, seeking innovative solutions to enhance the journey of food from the fields of Mid Wales to consumers' tables, ensuring efficiency, traceability, and sustainability.

‘Value from by-products’ seeks to unlock the potential of agricultural by-products, transforming them into valuable assets while minimizing waste. By exploring innovative approaches to repurpose these materials, this theme aims to enhance farmers' income streams and reduce their environmental footprint.

The purpose of ‘nutrients and diet evaluation’ is to advance nutritional understanding and promote healthier dietary choices within the community. By developing innovative methods to assess the nutritional content of local produce and providing personalized dietary recommendations, this theme seeks to improve public health outcomes and enhance well-being.

The aim of the ’novel ingredients’ theme is to diversify the local food landscape by identifying and cultivating new plant varieties and exploring wild food sources. By introducing novel ingredients into the market, it seeks to enhance culinary creativity, improve nutrition, and create economic opportunities for farmers and producers.

The ‘alternative proteins’ theme is designed to explore and develop sustainable protein sources such as insects, algae, and lab-grown meat, with the aim of address the rising global demand for protein while reducing the environmental impact of traditional livestock farming.

‘Functional foods’ seeks to develop and promote foods that offer specific health benefits, such as probiotics, omega-3 enriched products, and foods fortified with essential vitamins and minerals. This theme’s purpose is to enhance public health, support local producers, and drive innovation within the agri-food sector.

Applicants may want to refer to the following policies to understand the challenges and opportunities to contribute to the specific themes.


A briefing event for organisations interested in finding out more about the challenge will be held virtually on 3rd July at 2pm. Register here.


Applicants can apply by using the online application form (Apply here).

Applications received by any other means will not be accepted. The deadline for applications is 17.00pm on the 31st July 2024.


Enquiries about this challenge should be addressed to


The Mid Wales Launchpad Skills Builder is specifically aimed at supporting individuals throughout Mid Wales to develop new skills and knowledge aiding their career progression. During the placement you will take part in tasks to support businesses in the development of solutions and will be offered a chance to shadow staff to stimulate new ideas, gain confidence and develop interest in new areas of innovation.

This exciting opportunity will help you to develop your careers and build relationships with potential employers which will improve your chance of long-term employment. This round is for individuals based in Ceredigion and includes at 40-hour unpaid shadowing placement. This will help students develop portfolios of work for their studies and help other individuals develop skills for future employment.

To join this exciting scheme applicants must complete the short form linked below and return it to by the 16th August 2024.

Mid Wales Launch Pad Skills Builder

Funded by UK Government
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