Smart farmingx2
Virtual Webinar (Zoom)
16 March, 2021 - 16 March, 2021

We are a society confronted with a pressing need to increase agricultural production to achieve food security and to feed a population that continues to grow. Since we're also faced with the challenge of mitigating the effects of climate change, this must be achieved while adopting sustainable and eco-friendly agricultural methods.

At the vanguard of these interconnected challenges are earth observation and crop monitoring technologies. Join us to learn more about the great work ongoing at Aberystwyth University to better understand and capitalise on these new agritech trends.

We are pleased to be joined by Aberystwyth University's Dr Pete Bunting and Dr Frederic Labrosse, who will share their latest work and insights with us.

During this webinar we will cover topics such as:

-Methods of reducing agricultural impacts on the environment

-Remote sensing in agriculture: what is it and what does it measure?

-Image acquisition technologies

-Monitoring crop anomalies

In the business of agritech? This one's for you.

We bring you this exclusive webinar in collaboration with the Geographical Data and Earth Observation for Monitoring (GEOM). GEOM’s goal is to support organisations in Wales to exploit the fast-growing spatial intelligence market to benefit their company or organisation and to provide novel solutions to some of our most pressing environmental, societal and technological challenges.