BT Launches Smart Rural Report

Teleri Davies

The use of smart and connected technology has the potential to boost rural communities, according to a new report published yesterday. 

Focusing on the agriculture and tourism sectors in rural Wales, rapidly growing technology such as "internet of things" (IOT) – internet-connected devices – could help these areas thrive in future, according to the report.

But, the study, commissioned by BT, says that this will only happen if 'early adopters' and champions of the new technology are supported, and there is continued investment in the availability of high speed broadband and mobile in rural areas.

For agriculture, the report highlights how solutions such as sensors and devices connected to networks are already being trialled in Wales to show how farmers can remotely track and manage their stock, helping to reduce costs and increase efficiency.

The tourism and hospitality industry has also seen a revolution in the use of digital technology in recent years, with smartphones, mapping services and augmented reality apps transforming the way visitors engage with tourist locations. The report highlights the tourism businesses using new technologies to help them work smarter and adapt to rising consumer expectations.

Nick Speed, BT Group’s director in Wales, said: “Connected, smart technology could offer real benefits to rural communities in future. It has the potential to help rural economies grow and encourage young people to stay in these areas.

“This technology is developing quickly and it's pleasing that a lot of the cutting edge rural solutions are being trialled and developed here in Wales. But there are clear challenges to the growth of this technology in rural sectors, including the initial investment needed by businesses and how quickly the gap between rural and urban broadband and mobile connectivity can be closed.

“What we heard from many in rural sectors is that ‘it’s not relevant to my business’ or ‘I just don’t have the time’. Or ‘what will be the return on our investment?’. One of the report’s clear recommendations is to work together to improve digital skills in rural sectors and to help champion those trailblazers already doing amazing things. At BT we’re continuing to invest in rural connectivity, but it’s equally vital to see wider investment in rural innovation and infrastructure.”


Read the full smart rural report here: