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Clwb Arloesi - A Dedicated Welsh Language Space

Welcome to Clwb Arloesi, the innovative Welsh language programme hosted by AberInnovation and funded by Ceredigion Council and the Welsh Government's ARFOR2 scheme.

Clwb Arloesi stands as a pioneering initiative designed to not only embrace the rich linguistic heritage of Wales but also to foster a thriving entrepreneurial ecosystem. At its core, Clwb Arloesi is a catalyst for attracting entrepreneurs and businesses that place a high value on the Welsh language, employing proactive meetings and engagement strategies to promote its vibrant use.

Our programme offers a diverse range of workshops on-site at AberInnovation, tours, and content carefully tailored to businesses in the region of Ceredigion.

AberInnovation serves as the cornerstone, providing a dedicated 'Welsh language space' where the heart and soul of entrepreneurship, employment, and growth opportunities in agriculture, food, environment, and the circular economy come alive through the Welsh language.

With Clwb Arloesi, our goal is to inspire and empower businesses to take root and flourish in Ceredigion, bolstering the local economy and strengthening the Welsh language community.

Whether you're a proficient Welsh speaker or a Welsh learner, Clwb Arloesi welcomes professionals from all backgrounds to engage with us!

Workshop schedule:

Wednesday 1st November 2023 - Customer Service, Increase your Confidence – Reacting to incoming approaches from Welsh speakers

Wednesday 13th December 2023 - Social Media Marketing for Businesses - The latest trends and how to create inclusive content

Wednesday 7th February 2024 - Websites and analytics training

Wednesday 1st May 2024 - Town WIFI and LoRaWAN – Using the data and LoRaWAN use cases from across Wales

And more to come!

Workshops will include refreshments and snacks. 

Front of AberInnovation building

Welsh Language Resources

Helo Blod 

Helo Blod is a fast and friendly Welsh translation and advice service to help you use more Welsh in your business or charity. And it's yours to use for free.

Contact: HeloBlod@LLyw.Cymru

Website: https://businesswales.gov.wales/heloblod/


Mentrau Iaith 

Strengthening the Welsh Language in the Community.

Contact: post@mentrauiaith.cymru

Website: https://mentrauiaith.cymru/en/


The National Centre for Learning Welsh

Welcoming and supporting people to learn and enjoy the Welsh language is the aim of the National Centre for Learning Welsh.
The Centre is responsible for all aspects of the Learn Welsh sector, including courses and resources, tutor training and research.
Learn Welsh courses are available during the daytime and evening, face-to-face or in virtual classrooms. You can also study independently, online.
Courses are available at different learning levels - whether you're new to the language or already speak some Welsh.

Contact: office@learnwelsh.cymru

Website: https://learnwelsh.cymru/

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